Welcome to the VLSE Symposium-2023 Program details!
Day-1 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm):
10:00 am-10:30 am: Registration for VLSE Symposium-2023 and Bioinformatics workshop.
10:30 am-11:00 am: Posters set up.
11:00 am-11:15 am: Inauguration of VLSE Symposium-2023.
11:15 am-11:30 am: Introduction to VLSE Symposium-2023:
Dr. Ravikiran S. Yedidi (Founder, TCABS-E).
11:30 am-11:45 am: Message from the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor of Andhra University:
Prof. P.V.G.D. Prasad Reddy.
11:45 am-12:00 pm: Message from the Rector of Andhra University:
Prof. K. Samatha.
12:00 pm-12:15 pm: Message from the Registrar of Andhra University:
Prof. V. Krishna Mohan.
12:15 pm-12:30 pm: Message from the Dean, Academic Affairs of Andhra University:
Prof. N. Kishore Babu.
12:30 pm-12:45 pm: Message from the Dean, Research & Development of Andhra University:
Prof. K. Basavaiah.
12:45 pm-01:00 pm: Message from the TCABS-E Faculty:
Juniorette Assistant Prof. Ms. Madhumita Aggunna.
Juniorette Assistant Prof. Ms. Madhuri Vissapragada.
Juniorette Assistant Prof. Ms. Santhinissi Addala.
01:00 pm-02:00 pm: Lunch Break!
02:00 pm-02:30 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Madhumita Aggunna.
Title: MA01027, a small molecule lead identified by virtual screening against
Helicobacter pylori CagA protein, inhibits the growth of H. pylori isolated from
patient biopsies.
02:30 pm-03:00 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Madhuri Vissapragada.
Title: Delegating the harmful bacteria in human gut microbiome to boost the
potency of probiotic vaccine, YoVac.
03:00 pm-03:30 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Santhinissi Addala.
Title: Metabolic profiling of highly antibiotic-resistant human vaginal
Lactobacillus revealed folic acid as the top hit metabolite.
03:30 pm-04:00 pm: Oral presentation by Mr. Manikanta Sodasani.
Title: Viewing the SARS CoV-2 infection in a new dimension through the lenses
of protein liquid-liquid phase separation.
04:00 pm-04:15 pm: Tea break!
04:15 pm-05:15 pm: GUEST SCIENTIST presentation by Dr. Anandi Karumbati.
Title: To be added.
Day-2 (9:30 am - 5:30 pm):
10:00 am-11:00 am: Bioinformatics Workshop (Workshop fee Rs. 100 can be paid at the workshop).
11:00 am-11:15 am: Tea break!
11:15 am-11:45 am: Oral presentation by Ms. Santhinissi Addala.
Title: Metabolic profiling of highly antibiotic-resistant human vaginal
Lactobacillus revealed folic acid as the top hit metabolite.
11:45 am-12:15 pm: Oral presentation by Mr. Manikanta Sodasani.
Title: Viewing the SARS CoV-2 infection in a new dimension through the lenses
of protein liquid-liquid phase separation.
12:15 pm-12:30 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Tanjuja Ippili & Ramya Saisri Jamjam.
Title: Dengue virus non-structual protein: NS5.
12:30 pm-12:45 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Sirihanuma Vidadala.
Title: Influence of phytochemicals on aryl hydrocarbon receptor gene to control
influenza virus.
12:45 pm-01:00 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Gloryhanna Jarjana.
Title: Structural analysis of lipase from marine Aspergillus sydowii.
01:00 pm-02:00 pm: Lunch Break!
02:00 pm-02:15 pm: Oral presentation by Dr. Raja Rameshkumar.
Title: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L) Genomics.
02:15 pm-02:30 pm: Oral presentation by Dr. Gaddeyya Gandipilli.
Title: Bio-entrepreneurship with special reference to entrepreneurial Botany.
02:30 pm-02:45 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Anusha Vangapandu.
Title: Nano-composites and their applications on super capacitor.
02:45 pm-03:00 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Sandhyrani Nayak.
Title: Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and metal/metal oxide TiO2 nano-
composite and their applications.
03:00 pm-03:15 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Anupuju Sravanthi.
Title: Post harvest technology for dried and salt freshwater fish of reservoirs
and culture fish ponds.
03:15 pm-03:30 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Monalisa Chaudhury.
Title: Applications of Genetic Engineering.
03:30 pm-03:45 pm: Oral presentation by Ms. Maturu Tejasri.
Title: Interconnecting threat of antibiotics.
03:45 pm-04:00 pm: Tea break!
04:00 pm-05:00 pm: Poster session.
05:00 pm-05:30 pm: Announcement of winners and concluding remarks.