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Welcome to the VLSE Symposium-2021 Program details!

Day-1 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm):


09:00-09:30 am: Introduction to VLSE Symposium-2021 by Dr. Ravikiran Yedidi (Founder, TCABS-E).


09:30-10:00 am: JFR-1: Oral presentation by Ms. Madhuri Vissapragada (TCABS-E Juniorette Faculty

                          Recruitment-2021 shortlisted candidate).

                          Title: Synthetic bacteria with built in genetic circuits to bio-degrade plastics.


10:00-10:30 am: JFR-2: Oral presentation by Ms. Santhinissi Addala (TCABS-E Juniorette Faculty

                          Recruitment-2021 shortlisted candidate).

                          Title: Repurposing the menstrual endometrial stem cells.


10:30-11:00 am: JFR-3: Oral presentation by Ms. Niharikha Mukala (TCABS-E Juniorette Faculty   

                          Recruitment-2021 shortlisted candidate).

                          Title: Immune-booster strategy for infectious diseases through multi-omics.


11:00-11:30 am: JFR-4: Oral presentation by Ms. Madhumita Aggunna (TCABS-E Juniorette Faculty

                          Recruitment-2021 shortlisted candidate).

                          Title: Multi-omics approach to study the failure of Cancer immunotherapy.


11:30-11:45 am: Tea Break!


11:45 am-12:15 pm: T01: Oral presentation by Ms. Jahnavi Chintalapati.

                                Title: Cellular regeneration in post-COVID alveolar tissue.


12:15-12:45 pm: T02: Oral presentation by Mr. Manikanta Sodasani.

                          Title: Protein liquid-liquid phase separation droplets in drug delivery.


12:45-01:15 pm: T03: Oral presentation by Ms. Manisha Lanka.

                          Title: Novel Biophysical & Biological strategies for therapeutic miRNA delivery.


01:15-02:15 pm: Lunch Break! 


02:15-02:45 pm: T04: Oral presentation by Ms. Akhila Kamidi.

                          Title: Novel chemical biology approach for therapeutic ceRNA in Cancer.


02:45-03:00 pm: T05: Oral presentation by Ms. Bharathi Chalapati.

                          Title: To be announced


03:00-03:15 pm: T06: Oral presentation by Ms. Hema Jalaparthi.

                          Title: To be announced


03:15-03:30 pm: T07: Oral presentation by Ms. Alekhya Adapa.

                          Title: To be announced


03:30-04:00 pm: Juniorette Faculty Recruitment - 2021 results announcement.



Day-2 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm): (e-Posters will be on display throughout the day)


09:00-09:15 am: Poster registration and set up.

                          NOTE: All e-Posters must be submitted at least 48 hours before.


09:15-10:15 am: Poster session - 1 (Poster numbers P01 to P20 will be on display).


10:15-11:15 am: Poster session - 2 (Poster numbers P21 to P40 will be on display).


11:15 am-12:15 pm: Poster session - 3 (Poster numbers P41 to P60 will be on display).


12:15-01:15 am: Poster session - 4 (Poster numbers P61 to P80 will be on display).


01:15-02:15 pm: Lunch Break!


02:15-03:00 pm: VLSE Symposium-2021 concluding remarks and prizes for winners!


03:00-05:00 pm: TCABS-E internship students' graduation ceremony.

                          (NOTE: This ceremony is open to only TCABS-E students with a valid ID card).



©2021 by The Visakha Life Sciences and Entrepreneurship (VLSE) Symposium - 2021.

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