Welcome to the ABS-2024 Competitions!
Event-1: Resume and C.V. writing skills. (Day1, 2pm-5pm)
The participants will be given directions by experts to build their current resume/C.V. based on their skill sets. All are eligible to participate in this demonstration.
Event-2: Elocution competition. (Day2, 10am-1pm)
This competition is to give a chance to the participants to show their verbal communication skills on the given topics. Best elocution presentation will be given a prize. All are eligible to participate in this demonstration. For topics please see below.
Event-3: Debates competition. (Day2, 2pm-5pm)
Groups of participants will be given topics for debate either in English or Telugu or both languages combined as they wish. Winners group will be given one prize. All are eligible to participate in this demonstration. For topics please see below.