Welcome to the ABFR-2020 HotSeat challenge!
This challenge is to educate the current and future generations about current world problems that influence education, research, society, climate, politics, etc. Each participant will be given 5 minutes to talk about the problem. The problem will be given on spot during the event so the student will not have enough time to prepare! The goal of this challenge is to encourage the public speech skills of the participants (primarily students) and forcing them to critically think about a given problem and come up with an instantaneous solution or idea that can be further developed into a solution. The best presenter will win a free internship at TCABS-E, Visakhapatnam laboratory to learn the cutting edge technology in research that can be applied to solve the current world problems.
NOTE: If the winner declines the free internship at TCABS-E, he/she will loose the opportunity and there will be no reimbursements in any other forms.
Eligibility: All are eligible to participate! We give priority to students.